C++ Program to find Quotient and Remainder of two Integers entered by User

January 17, 2023, Learn eTutorial

In this C++ program, we will learn to find the quotient and remainder.

How can we calculate the quotient and remainder of a g?

  1. The quotient is the resultant value that we got after division

    Quotient = dividend / divisor

  2. The remainder is the leftover integer after one integer by another to produce an integer quotient. 

    Remainder = dividend % divisor.

For example 32 / 6


  • 32 is the dividend
  • 6 is the divisor
  • Quotient = 6
  • remainder = 2;
How we find the largest of three numbers using the C program?

How can we implement a C++ program to find the quotient and the remainder?

  • Here the user is asked to enter two integer numbers.
  • A divisor and a dividend. Read the dividend to the variable ‘dividend’ and the divisor to the variable ‘divisor’.
  • The quotient is computed by using the arithmetic division operator ‘/’.
  • The remainder is computed by using the modulus operator ‘%’.
  • Print the results.


Step 1:  Call the header file iostream.

Step 2: Use the namespace std.

Step 3: Open the integer type main function; int main().

Step 4: Declare integer variables; dividend, divisor, quotient, remainder;

Step 5: Print a message to enter the dividend.

Step 6: Read the number into the variable dividend.

Step 7: Print a message to enter the divisor.

Step 8: Read the number into the variable divisor.

Step 9: calculate the quoient = dividend / divisor; remainder = dividend % divisor;

Step 10: Print the quotient and remainder

Step 11: Exit.

C++ Source Code

                                          #include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int divisor, dividend, quotient, remainder;

    cout << "Enter dividend: ";
    cin >> dividend;

    cout << "Enter divisor: ";
    cin >> divisor;

    quotient = dividend / divisor;
    remainder = dividend % divisor;

    cout << "Quotient = " << quotient << endl;
    cout << "Remainder = " << remainder;

    return 0;


Run 1
Enter dividend: 45
Enter divisor: 5
Quotient = 9
Remainder = 0

Run 2
Enter dividend: 96
Enter divisor: 7
Quotient = 13
Remainder = 5