Golang Program to perform Arithmetic operations on an array

April 16, 2022, Learn eTutorial

For a better understanding of this example, we always recommend you to learn the basic topics of Golang programming listed below:

How to perform Arithmetic operations on an array

The basic arithmetic operators are addition "+" , subtraction "-" , multiplication "*" , division "/"


addition -  2+2 = 4

subtraction-  4-1 = 3

multiplication - 2*3 = 6

division - 6/2 = 3

For performing these operations on array we need two arrays. First read elements into two different arrays and traverse the elements of both the arrays from the initial position. Take each of the element from both the arrays and perform the arithmetic operations.


let the first array arr1[] and the second array arr2[]

take the first elemant of both arr1[1] and arr2[1] and perform the operation like 

arr1[1] + arr2[1] = 

likewise continue the procedure with other corresponding elements to perform the remaining operators.

How to perform Arithmetic operations on an array using Go Program

Here we are showing how to perform Arithmetic operations on an array in the Go language. Here variables arr1, arr2 hold the integer array elements. Use for loop to find the results of each arithmetic operation.

syntax for for loop


Given below are the steps which are used in the Go program. 


STEP 1: Import the package fmt

STEP 2: Start function main()

STEP 3: Declare two integer arrays arr1,arr2

STEP 4: Using the for loop, perform addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, and remainder

STEP 5: Print the results using fmt.Println()


Golang Source Code

                                          package main

import "fmt"

func main() {

    arr1 := []int{10, 29, 70, 40, 127}
    arr2 := []int{15, 25, 35, 45, 55}

    for i := 0; i < 5; i++ {
        fmt.Print("\n", arr1[i]+arr2[i], "\t")
        fmt.Print(arr1[i]-arr2[i], "\t")
        fmt.Print(arr1[i]*arr2[i], "\t")
        fmt.Print(arr1[i]/arr2[i], "\t")
        fmt.Print(arr1[i]%arr2[i], "\t")


Add     Sub     Mul     Div     Mod

25      -5      150     0       10
54      4       725     1       4
105     35      2450    2       0
85      -5      1800    0       40
182     72      6985    2       17