Golang Program to find largest array item

February 9, 2022, Learn eTutorial

For a better understanding of this example, we always recommend you to learn the basic topics of Golang programming listed below:

How to find the largest array item

For finding the largest item among the array element, we have to traverse the array frm the initial position to the final. First, assume that the first array item is the largest item. Hold this first element as thge largest element in a variable. Increment the array position and compare the secdond item with the current highest element. if the second element is larger than the present largest element then save this second element to the variable holding the largest and save its position to another variable.continue this procedure till to the last element.

How to find the largest array item in the GO Program

Here we are showing how to find the largest array item in the Go language. Here variable size holds the size of the array, and other variable Arr holds the array elements. First, read the array elements using for loop.

syntax for for loop

for    initializer; condition;   incrementor {

After reading the elements, traverse the array from the beginning using a for loop. First, assign the first array item as the largest value.  Using if condition ( largest < Arr[i]) check whether the current array item is less than the largest element . If true, assign that element to the largest, and put the index value in the pos variable.

syntax if condition

If condition {
//perform some instruction

Finally, print the largest element and it's position.Given below are the steps which are used in the Go program. 


STEP 1: Import the package fmt

STEP 2: Start function main()

STEP 3: Read the size of the array using fmt.Scanfln()

STEP 4: Declare the variables i, pos,largest, and array Arr

STEP 5: Read the array using for loop

STEP 6: First assign Arr[0] to largest

STEP 7: Using for loop find the largest element and its position

STEP 8: Use if to check largest < Arr[i]

STEP 9: If true assign largest = Arr[i] and pos = i continue loop untill i reaches the size

STEP 9: Print the largest element and its position using fmt.Println()


Golang Source Code

                                          package main
import "fmt"

func main() {
    var size, i, pos int
    fmt.Print("Enter the array size to find largest = ")
    fmt.Scan(& size)

    Arr := make([]int, size)
    fmt.Print("Enter the array items  = ")
    for i = 0; i < size; i++ {
        fmt.Scan(& Arr[i])
    largest := Arr[0]
    for i = 0; i < size; i++ {
        if largest < Arr[i] {
            largest = Arr[i]
            pos = i
    fmt.Println("\nThe largest number in this Arr    = ", largest)
    fmt.Println("The index position of largest number = ", pos)


Enter the array size to find largest = 4
Enter the array items  = 20 35 45 17

The largest number in this Arr    =  45
The index position of largest number =  2