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Python dict()

The dict() function is used to create a dictionary.Dictionary is an iterable where data are stored as key and value pairs

Example : Student_dict = {
name :"Ram" 

age : 22
course : "Bachelors"

The dict() function can be used in three different ways
Bypassing keyword arguments only

dict(**kwargs) #where kwargs denotes keyword arguments of form key=value

Bypassing an iterable and keyword arguments

dict(iterable,**kwargs) #where iterable can be any iterable like a list

By Passing mapping and keyword arguments

dict(mapping,**kwargs) #where mapping is key to value pair mapping

dict() Parameters:

Even if no parameter is passed to the dict function, it won't throw an error. It will return an empty dictionary if no parameter is passed.

Parameter Description Required / Optional
**kwargs Any number of keyword arguments in form key=value separated by
iterable Any iterable in python Optional
Mapping  Key to value pair mapping Optional

dict() Return Value

The output of the dict function is always a dictionary. If no parameter is passed an empty dictionary is returned

Input Return Value
None Empty dictionary
**kwargs Converts the keyword arguments as a dictionary
Iterable Converts the iterable to the dictionary
mapping Converts the mapping to dictionary

Examples of dict() method in Python

Example 1: Passing Keyword arguments only

letters = dict(a=1, b=2)
print(' Letters dictionary is', letters) 


Letters dictionary is {'a': 1, 'b': 2}

Example 2: Passing iterables

# iterable without keyword arguments 
letters = dict((a,1), (b=2))
print(' letters dictionary is', letters) 

# iterable with keyword arguments 
letters = dict([('a',1), ('b',2)],c=3) 
print(' letters dictionay is', letters) 


letters dictionay is {'a': 1, 'b': 2}

letters dictionay is {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}

Example 3: Passing mapping

# Mapping without keyword arguments
letters = dict({‘a’ : 1,’b’:2}) 
print(' letters dictionary is', letters)

# Mapping with keyword arguments 
letters = dict({‘a’ : 1,’b’:2},c=3) 
print(' letters dictionary is', letters)


letters dictionary is {'a': 1, 'b': 2}

letters dictionary is {'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3}