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Python hex()

The hex() function helps for the conversion of the given number into its corresponding hexadecimal string format. The returned hexadecimal string must have the prefix as '0x'.

hex(number) #Where number shows a integer number

hex()  Parameters:

Takes only one parameter. If we are passing an object as the parameter to hex() function that object must have __index__() function defined that returns integer. 

Parameter Description Required / Optional
object int object or it has to define __index__() method that returns an integer Optional
integer number can be in any base such as binary, octal, etc Optional

hex()  Return Value

For getting a hexadecimal representation of a float number needs to use float.hex() method.

Input Return Value
Integer hexadecimal format
float hexadecimal format
object hexadecimal format

Examples of hex()  method in Python

Example 1: How hex() works?

number = 435
print(number, 'in hex =', hex(number))

number = 0
print(number, 'in hex =', hex(number))

number = -34
print(number, 'in hex =', hex(number))

returnType = type(hex(number))
print('Return type from hex() is', returnType)


435 in hex = 0x1b3
0 in hex = 0x0
-34 in hex = -0x22
Return type from hex() is 

Example 2:Hexadecimal representation of a float

number = 2.5
print(number, 'in hex =', float.hex(number))

number = 0.0
print(number, 'in hex =', float.hex(number))

number = 10.5
print(number, 'in hex =', float.hex(number))


2.5 in hex = 0x1.4000000000000p+1
0.0 in hex = 0x0.0p+0
10.5 in hex = 0x1.5000000000000p+3

Example 3: How hex() works with objects?

class Data:
    id = 0

    def __index__(self):
        print('__index__ function called')
        return self.id

d = Data()
d.id = 100



__index__ function called