R Program to add 5 to each element of the first vector in a given list

May 12, 2022, Learn eTutorial

How to add 5 to each element of the first vector in a given list

Here we are explaining how to write an R program to add 5 to each element of the first vector in a given list. Here we are using a built-in function list() for this. This function helps to create a list. The syntax of this function is 


Where ....(dots)are the objects, possibly named.

How to add 5 to each element of the first vector in a given list using the R program

Below are the steps used in the R program to add 5 to each element of the first vector in a given list. In this R program, we directly give the values to a built-in function list(). Here we are using variables L1 for holding the list elements g1,g2,g3. Call the function list() with different types of elements. Add the value 5 to vector g1 as like L1$g1 =L1$g1 + 5. Finally, print the vector value.


STEP 1: Assign variables L1 with a list

STEP 2: Create L1 with 3 sets of elements g1,g2,g3

STEP 3: Print the original lists

STEP 4: Add 5 to each element of the first vector as  L1$g1 =L1$g1 + 5

STEP 5: Print the final vector value

R Source Code

                                          L1 = list(g1 = 1:5, g2 = "C Programming", g3 = "JAVA")
print("Original list:")
print("New list:")
L1$g1 = L1$g1 + 5


[1] "Original list:"
[1] 1 2 3 4 5

[1] "C Programming"

[1] "JAVA"

[1] "New list:"
[1]  6  7  8  9 10