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A Complete Guide to Prime Numbers

October 11, 2023 02:10AM Learn eTutorial

Unlocking the Mysteries of Prime Numbers: Rules & Patterns 

Prime numbers are the real jewels in the number system and a very important concept in mathematics and the computer and programming world. They are different from the other numbers in mathematics as they are not divisible by any other numbers in the number system other than 1 and that number itself. For centuries now mathematicians have been surprised with the numbers and their prime property. In this article, we are going deep into the world of prime numbers and trying to check their facts and the rules to get some light on the lesser-known aspects of the prime number world. 

What are Prime Numbers?

Before going deep into the prime number rules, let us check what is a prime number. A number is said to be a prime number if that number is greater than 1 and that number is not divisible by any other numbers other than 1 and that number itself which means, that if a number has only 2 divisors, that number is called a prime number. For example, consider the prime numbers like 2,3,5,7,…. Prime numbers are the building blocks of natural numbers and play a fundamental role in number systems and various programming concepts like cryptography and computer algorithms.

The Fundamental Rule: Division by 1 and Itself

The first and primary rule to define a prime number is its divisibility as it has only 2 divisors only. This means a prime number has only 2 numbers which can able to divide the prime number completely without a remainder, that are 1 and that number itself. This unique property makes prime numbers the foundation of all other integers. This rule is a must for any large prime number.

The Distribution of Prime Numbers

Unlike Odd numbers or even numbers, the prime numbers are not equally distributed among the numbers which makes the Prime Number Theorem. The prime number theorem says that as you move higher and higher in the numbers, the number of prime numbers decreases. However, prime numbers appear to be randomly distributed, and their precise distribution is still a research topic in mathematics.

Prime Number Rules and Patterns

While prime numbers may seem random, they do follow certain interesting rules and patterns:

  1. Twin Primes

    Twin primes are pairs of prime numbers that have a difference of 2 (e.g., 11 and 13, 17 and 19). The Twin Prime theory is saying that there may be an infinite number of such prime pairs, although it remains unproven. 

    List of twin prime numbers between 1 and 100:

    {3, 5}, {5, 7}, {11, 13}, {17, 19}, {29, 31}, {41, 43}, {59, 61}, {71, 73}

    List of twin prime numbers between 100 and 500:

    {101, 103}, {107, 109}, {137, 139}, {149, 151}, {179, 181}, {191, 193}, {197, 199}, {227, 229}, {239, 241}, {269, 271}, {281, 283}, {311, 313}, {347, 349}, {419, 421}, {431, 433}, {461, 463} 

    List of twin prime numbers between 500 and 1000:

    {521, 523}, {569, 571}, {599, 601}, {617, 619}, {641, 643}, {659, 661}, {809, 811}, {821, 823}, {827, 829}, {857, 859}, {881, 883}

  2. Mersenne Primes

    Mersenne primes are prime numbers that can be written in the form 2^n - 1, where n is also a prime number. These primes have a unique relationship with perfect numbers and have been crucial in the field of computer science, programming, and in finding large prime numbers.

    Certainly! Here is an example of a Mersenne prime:

    2^3 - 1 = 8 - 1 = 7

    In this example, when n is 3, the formula 2^n - 1 results in the number 7. This number, 7, is a prime number and, therefore, it is a Mersenne prime. It meets the criteria of a Mersenne prime because 3 is also a prime number, and 7 is one less than 2 raised to the power of 3.

  3. The Goldbach Conjecture

    This rule in prime numbers is defined by a German mathematician called Christian Goldbach. This rule suggests that every even integer greater than 2 can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers. For example, consider a number 10 that can be expressed as 3 + 7, or 20 can be expressed as 13 + 7. In the case of huge value numbers, the Goldbach Conjecture remains unproven. It continues to challenge mathematicians to this day.
  4. The Infinitude of Primes

    A Greek mathematician called Euclid has made a theory regarding prime numbers, He proved that there are infinitely many prime numbers. This means you can find the prime number in any extension of the number line, you will never reach a point where prime numbers do not exist. The proof is elegant in its simplicity but very difficult to prove.
  5. Prime Gaps

    The difference between two adjacent prime numbers is called prime gaps. While these gaps can vary widely, the existence of arbitrarily large prime gaps was proven by mathematicians.
  6. Prime Numbers in Cryptography

    Prime numbers have an important role in modern cryptography, particularly in public-key encryption algorithms like RSA. The difficulty of factoring large numbers into their prime factors makes the security of such systems, making prime numbers an essential component of secure online transactions and communications.
  7. Prime Numbers in Computer Science

    Prime numbers have different applications in computer programming, such as in algorithms for searching and sorting data efficiently. They are also used in hashing functions and random number generation, In modern computer development, a prime number is a milestone of high importance.


Prime numbers are more than just a mathematical curiosity; they are one of the milestones in the foundation of our number system. From number theory to cryptography and computer science, prime numbers play an important role. Understanding the rules and properties of prime numbers is very important not only for mathematicians but also for programmers. As we continue to explore the mysteries of prime numbers, new discoveries and applications will come into picture.

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