Control Flow Statements

January 12, 2022, Learn eTutorial

In the previous Golang tutorials by “learn eTutorials” you learned the basics of Go programming languages. We discussed the basics of Golang such as data types, variables, constants that are part of writing efficient code. In this tutorial, you will understand how decision-making is done in a Golang program using control flow statements like if/else, switches, and looping statements like for, range, etc. Also, we will discuss the syntax and flowcharts for decision-making statements.

GO : Control-flow

What are control flow statements in Golang?

A program is a piece of code where the control flows from one line to another line of code sequentially while in execution. This is the normal case of execution of a program when no flow of control is specified. In particular programs, control flows are mentioned where the interpreter executes the program based on some conditional statements. Thus control flow can be stated as the order in which the lines of codes are executed in a program. Control flow statements in Golang is further classified as decision-making statement and looping statement.

Next in this tutorial, you are going to learn different decision-making statements like only if, if-else, else-if, and Nested –if, etc…

GO : Control-flow

Go condition supports comparison operators and logical operators.

Comparison operator symbol   Logical operator symbol
Less than   Logical AND  &&
Less than or equal <=   Logical OR  ||
Greater than   Logical NOT  !
Greater than or equal >=      
Equal to ==      
Not equal to !=      
Less than      

Decision-making statements in Golang

  • Decision-making statements are based on certain conditions. So they are known as conditional statements.
  • When there is no conditions are provided in a program, the control flows sequentially. 
  • If any conditions are provided to be satisfied at any block of codes in a program there is a change in the flow of control based on the evaluation of the result of the block. 
  • The condition provided to be satisfying results in making the decision of flow of control. Go decision statement returns either a true or a false value.

If – statement in Golang

  •   If statement is a decision-making statement same as in any other programming language to perform some conditional logic.
  •   Syntax:-
    If condition {
    //perform some instruction
  •   If the condition is set to be satisfied i.e., true then only perform the instructions enclosed within curly braces “{ }”.
  •   If you are familiar with c, c++ languages you can observe the difference here conditions are not placed inside brackets like other languages.
  •   An opening & closing braces are provided after the conditions where instruction to be executed are enclosed.
  •   Flowchart for if statement
    GO : Control-flow: IFStatement

program to check a number is greater using if statement.

package main
import ("fmt")

func main() {
  if 19 > 14 {
    fmt.Println("29 is greater than 14")


29 is greater than 14

Another example showing multiple statements or conditions in an if statement. In the given example a is assigned a value say 45 which is compared against two numbers using && (logical AND)operator.

package main
import "fmt"

func main() {
    a := 45
    // mutiple conditions in if statement
    if a > 14 && a < 49 {
        fmt.Println("a satisfies the multiple if condition return true")


a satisfies the multiple if condition return true

if-else statement

  •   if-else is another decision-making statement.
  •   if the condition meets true or satisfies then execute a block of instructions inside curly braces immediately after the condition
  •   if the condition is not satisfied then execute the block of instruction in the else 
    if condition {
    //do some instructions
    }else {
    //do some instructions

    Note: Compiler error is shown when else keyword is not in the same line followed by closing curly brace of the previous block.

Flowchart for the if-else statement

GO : Control-flow

Let us understand if-else with a simple example using a comparison operator.

package main
import "fmt"

func main() {
    NUM1 := 15
    NUM2:= 27

    if NUM1 > NUM2 {
        fmt.Println(" NUM1 is greater than NUM2")
    } else {
        fmt.Println("NUM2 is greater than NUM1")


NUM2 is greater than NUM1e

if-else if statement

  •   Also known as the if-else ladder statement.
  •   Multiple numbers of else if statements can be included between if & else conditions.
  •   The else-if and else should immediately follow closing braces or previous blocks.

  The syntax for if-else if the ladder is shown below :

If condition1 {
//do some instructions
}else if condition2 {
//do some instructions
}else {
do some instructions

Below is an example using an if-else if ladder that determines the cost of a product to which category it will belong like “low cost”,” feasible”,” Expensive”.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    cost := 1000
    if cost < 250{
        fmt.Println("low cost")
    } else if cost>= 250 && cost < 400 {
    } else {



  Flowchart for if-else if ladder statement

GO : Control-flow

Nested if statement

   if statement which contains another if statements inside it enclosed within curly braces forms nested if statement.

if condition1 {
   // instruction gets executed if condition1 is satisfied
if condition2{ 
 // instruction gets executed if both condition1 and condition2 are satisfied
}else {
 //some other instructions

Flowchart for nested if

GO : Control-flow

package main
import ("fmt")

func main() {
num1 := 35
if num1 >= 35 {
fmt.Println("Num1 >= 35.")
if num1 > 25 {
fmt.Println("Num1 > 25.")
} else {
fmt.Println("Num1 < 35.")


Num1 >= 35.
Num1 > 25.

If with shorthand declaration of the statement

A statement can be declared using shorthand notation before if condition as shown in below syntax. The statement is followed by a condition to be satisfied which further contains instruction to be executed. The instruction to be executed is given inside curly braces if the condition falls to be true.

Syntax :

If statement;condition {


Let us understand with an example

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
    if j := 6; j > 5 {
        fmt.Println("j > 5")


j > 5

Note: var keyword cannot be used instead of shorthand notation in a statement.

Switch statements to Golang

Golang supports switch statements as in any other programming language. An advantage of switching statements over another control statement (link to control statement) is to prevent multiple if statements in a program.
Let us start with the basic switch statement in Golang


switch statement; expression {
case expression1:
     //Do some instructions
case expression2:
     // Do some instructions
     // Do some instructions

How switch in Golang works?

The above syntax switch keyword defines that the statement follows a switch condition. The switch keyword is followed by a switch expression. The switch expression needs to be evaluated by matching with different corresponding cases provided within curly braces. The syntax can also be expressed in other forms as given below. In the above syntax switch, statements & expressions are given in a single line it is optional. They can be stated separately also according to the programmer's desire.
Let us see another switch syntax:

Switch statement ;{   // only with switch statement
case 1:
case 2:

Switch  expression    // only with switch expression
case 1:
case 2:

Switch {    // only with switch keyword
case 1: 
case 2:

  •   Syntax 1 is only with a switch statement, note that semicolon is placed after 
  • Just after the statement.
  •   Syntax 2 is only with switch expression.
  •   Syntax 3 is a simple switch syntax followed by cases to be evaluated. If none of the cases validates to be true switch to the default keyword. The instruction defined under the default keyword will be executed then.
GO : Control-flow

Let us understand a basic switch with example

package main
import ("fmt")

func main() {
  months := 4

  switch months {
  case 1:
  case 2:
  case 3:
  case 4:
  case 5:
  case 6:
  case 7:



In the previous example, the switch expression evaluates case 4 because months(switch expression) is initialized with 4. So until it matches with case 4 compare with other cases. If no matching case is found out it switches to the default type.
Let us discuss the below example about how the default type is used during switching.
Program to check working of default type in switch

package main
import ("fmt")

func main() {
  months := 12//switch expression to evaluate

  switch months {
  case 1:
  case 2:
  case 3:
  case 4:
  case 5:
  case 6:
  case 7:
  fmt.Println("no months defined") 


no months defined

In the above example months: = 12 is not evaluated, no match found with any of the cases given so prints default statement.

program for both switch statement & switch expression in a single line

package main
import ("fmt")

func main() {

  switch months := 6;months {
  case 1:
  case 2:
  case 3:
  case 4:
  case 5:
  case 6:
  case 7:
  fmt.Println("no months defined")



Multiple values for different cases inside switch statements are possible. The switch cases are provided multiple values with which evaluate the given statement.
Let us understand with an example

package main
import ("fmt")

func main() {
 // multiple switch cases
  switch months := 7;months {
  case 1,2,3:
  case 4,5:
    fmt.Println("working day")
  case 6,7,8:
  fmt.Println("invalid case")



So far we discussed the different control flow statements in the next tutorial you will learn how looping is achieved in Golang.