PHP Cookies

December 18, 2021, Learn eTutorial

In this PHP tutorial, you will learn all about Cookies in PHP. We will also discuss how to create cookies, check cookies, access cookies, and delete cookies. 

What are Cookies in PHP?

A cookie is a tiny file with a maximum size of nearly 4KB that is stored in the client computer by the webserver. They are often used to save information like username, which helps the users to view the customized web pages according to the user whenever they visit the website next. A cookie can only be read from the domain from which it was issued. Cookies are typically put in an HTTP header, but JavaScript may also establish a cookie on a browser directly.

PHP : Html Form

How to create cookies in PHP?

To create cookies in PHP we use the function setcookie(). The setcookie() method must be called before any script output is created, else the cookie will not be set.

setcookie(name, value, expire, path, domain, security);

In the setcookie() function we pass the arguments:

  •     name – it is used to define the name of the cookie
  •     value – it is used to set the value of the cookie
  •     expire – it is used to set the expiration time after which the cookie won’t be accessible 
  •     path – it is to specify the path on the server where the cookie can be accessed 
  •     domain – it is to specify the domain which can access the cookie
  •     security – it is to specify the cookie should be only sent the connection is a secure HTTPS connection


setcookie("username", "john", time()+2*24*60*60);

How to check whether the cookie is set or not in PHP?

It is always preferred to check whether the cookie is set perfectly or not before trying to access it. To check whether the cookie is set or not in PHP we use the isset() function which will return TRUE if the cookie is available.   

if (isset($_COOKIE['username'])) { echo "Cookie is available"; } else { echo "Cookie is not available"; } 


Cookie is not available

How to access cookies in PHP?

To access a cookie value, we use the PHP $_COOKIE[] superglobal variable or $HTTP_COOKIE_VARS[] variables. It is often an associative array containing a list of all cookie values given by the browser in the current request, keyed by cookie name. Using normal array syntax, the individual cookie value may be obtained.


setcookie("username", "john", time() + 2 * 24 * 60 * 60);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Cookies Sample Program</title>
    if (isset($_COOKIE['username'])) {
        echo "<h1> The username is " . $_COOKIE['username'] . "</h1>";
    } else {
        echo "Cookie is not available";

PHP - Cookie

How to delete or remove cookies in PHP?

To remove a cookie, we use the same setcookie() method. To delete a cookie, the setcookie() function is used with the cookie name defined earlier and additional parameters or empty strings, but this time the expiration date must be set in the past.

setcookie("username", "", time() - 60000);
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <title>Cookies Sample Program</title>
    if (isset($_COOKIE['username'])) {
        echo "<h1> The username is " . $_COOKIE['username'] . "</h1>";
    } else {
        echo "<h1> Cookie is not available... </h1>";

PHP - Cookie