Introduction to Python

August 23, 2021, Learn eTutorial

Python is a universal programming language developed by a Dutch Programmer called Guido Van Rossum in 1989 and released in 1991. Technically, Python is an object-oriented, high level and interpreted programming language with high readability and extensibility. Python language still remains as a core language of all programming languages because of its unique and simple syntax that allows the developer to write fewer lines than in other programming languages. Moreover, python language supports modules and packages which helps in code reusability and program modularity. Python has many interfaces to many operating systems calls and libraries.

Python programs run on an interpreter can execute a code line by line as soon as it is written which covers the quick prototyping. Python being a multi-paradigms language enables the developer to adapt any style for scripting including procedural, functional, imperative, and object-oriented styles.

  • Procedural: follows a top to down or bottom to up line by line approach
  • Functional: follows function to function passing of data
  • Imperative: uses a sequence of statements to reach a result.
  • Object-oriented: the technique of considering data and behaviors as an object

The name “python” is a tribute to a comedy group called Monty Python by its developer who was a hardcore fan of this fun magic program.

Python Features

Have you ever thought about what makes python unique and special among programming languages? Python has a variety of features that makes it good at which are listed below.

  1. Readable: Python programs are easily readable as python has a simple syntax similar to the English language.
  2. Portable: Python is a platform-independent language that allows the program to run on a wide variety of platforms like Windows, Linux, UNIX, and Macintosh. Hence it is a cross-platform programming language.
  3. Extensible: Python allows the developer to stretch the programming language by including user-defined codes or libraries or even other programming languages.
  4. Interpretable: The interpreter executes the python program line by line which makes it easy to debug.2
  5. Integrable: Python can be integrated with other languages like C, C++, and Java, etc.
  6. Object-oriented: Python supports the OOPs concept thereby allowing programs to be encapsulated into individual objects and classes.
  7. High Level: Python is not a machine-dependent language. It allows the programmer to write codes close to a human language.
  8. Large Standard Library: Python has a large and rich collection of libraries and modules which are also cross-platform.
  9. Dynamical binding and Typing: Python allows both binding and typing at runtime rather than at compile time.
  10. GUI Programming: Using python one can create Graphical User Interface applications.
  11. Free and Open Source: Python and its codes are freely available in all official web addresses and anyone can modify it

When discussing python versions, there were many versions released from the date of release. However, currently, python 2.7 and python 3.x are the two popular versions being used.

Python Application

Python language is used by many large companies like NASA, Google, YouTube, Netflix, Facebook, etc. because of its huge demand in the Rapid Application Development field due to its dynamic binding and dynamic typing options. Hence, the Python programming language is extensively explored by scientists and researchers for developing scientific and research applications. Other applications are:

Website Development




GUI based desktop application

3 Max

Gaming Applications

Vega strike

Computational and Scientific Applications


Python Programs for Absolute Beginners

Python programming language undoubtedly is the perfect choice for backend programming. Python tops the list and is widely accepted as the best programming language to learn first. For absolute beginners, the Python programming language is a great starting point as its demand is huge and a lot of start-ups are using python as their primary backend language. Python being a stable and trending language everyone is in a rush to acquire in-depth knowledge in this wonderful programming language.

Last but not least, we should say that whether you are an absolute beginner or professional, you have reached the right place to learn the python programming language. We, Learn eTutorials, address all concerns you have about python, like,

How do I start learning Python?

Is python easy to learn?

What are the basics of python programming languages? etc.


So let’s get started….