Datatypes in Python

August 23, 2021, Learn eTutorial

The main objective of this tutorial is to enlighten the concept of data types and their classification in the python programming language.

Python Datatypes

Data type in python can be defined as a kind of data that a variable or an object can hold and perform operations based on the data. It helps to determine the type and size of the data a programmer intends to interpret.

Being an interpretable programming language python implicitly assigns the data type to a variable. No specific declaration is required. Based on the data type, memory is allocated which means the space required for the data and for its operation is dynamically secured in memory.

Example: Defining various types of datatypes

age = 17  #age is a variable of datatype  number
first_name = ‘Robert’ #first_name is a variable of datatype string
X = 21.5   #X is a variable of datatype float 

Classification of Datatypes

In the Python programming language, Data types are broadly classified into 7 built types namely numeric, text sequence, sequence, mapping, set, boolean, and binary sequences. Each type is again classified into basic data types based on their unique feature.

Command Prompt

Number Datatype in Python

In python, when a variable is assigned with a numeric value then it comes under the Python Number Datatype. A number datatype comprises of an integer value, float value, and a complex type value which are precisely stated as

Int Datatype

 Int is a number data type in python that comprises both positive and negative whole numbers and zero. It does not hold the fractional part.

Float Datatype

 Float, also known as floating-point number comprises of signed fractional numbers.

Complex Datatype

Complex numbers are numbers comprised of a real part and an imaginary part to take the form a+ib where a and b are real numbers and b is associated with an imaginary unit, i.

Example: Number based datatypes

i = 10  #i is a variable of type int  
print("i = ",i) 
f = 10.55 #f is a variable of type float  
print("f = ",f)
C =-5-6i #C is a variable of type Complex
print("C =",C) 


i = 10
f = 10.55 
C = -5-6i

String Datatype in Python

In the Python programming language, the string data type is a text sequence-based datatype. A string is usually a finite series or sequence of Unicode characters bounded either in double quotes or single quotes. To represent a multiple-line string we can use either ‘ ‘ ‘ or “””.

Example: String Datatype in Python

Str1 = ' First String '
Str2 = " Second String "
Str3 =    ' ' ' Multiple line …
 …String example ' ' ' 


First String
Second String
Mutliple line…
…String example

List Datatype in Python

On the ground of sequences, Python data types are classified into three. They are


A list can be defined as a well-ordered collection of values that are mutable. In python, values in a list are separated using commas and are enclosed in a square bracket [ ].


Python tuples are also a well-ordered collection of values that are immutable in nature. In python, values in a tuple are separated using commas and are enclosed in a round bracket or parenthesis ().


 Python range type is used to represent a fixed series of numbers and also used in for loop and while loop to denote fixed iterations.

Example: Sequence-based Datatypes

colorlist =  ['violet', 'yellow', 'blue', 'green', 'indigo']
colourtupe = ('violet', 'yellow', 'blue', 'green', 'indigo')


print( "List of colours :",colorlist)
print( "Tuple of colours :",colorlist)

print('List values in range of 10 :',y) 


List of colours : ['violet', 'yellow', 'blue', 'green', 'indigo']
Tuple of colours : ('violet', 'yellow', 'blue', 'green', 'indigo')
range(0, 10)
List values in range of 10 : [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Set Datatype in Python

In the Python programming language, a set entity is an unordered collection of unique hashable entities. Two built-in set types are:


Python set is a group of distinctive items which are neither indexed nor ordered and are mutable. Set values are not hashable. Python sets are usually surrounded by curly braces { }, separated using commas.


Python Frozenset contains a collection of distinct objects which are immutable and hashable in nature.

Example: Set Datatypes in Python

colorset = {'violet','indigo','blue','green','yellow'}
print("Set of colours are :",colorset)

flowerset =frozenset({'jasmine','marigold','sunflower'})
print("Frozen set of flowers are:",flowerset) 


Set of colours are : {'violet', 'yellow', 'blue', 'green', 'indigo'}
Frozen set of flowers are:  frozenset({'jasmine', 'marigold', 'sunflower'})

Dictionary Datatype in Python

In the Python programming language, a dictionary is a collection of combination pairs Key and Values which are indexed, mutable but not in order. Combination pairs Key: Values are encapsulated in curly braces { } and can be of any data type. Values are extracted using Key and the opposite way is not possible.

Example: Dictionary Datatypes in Python

D = {

print("Age is ",A)
print("Flower is",F) 


{'Flower': 'Rose', 'Fruit': 'Cherry', 'Age': 20}
Age is  20
Flower is Rose

Boolean Datatype in Python

Boolean Datatype is a datatype which holds one of the possible value, True(1) or False(0).

In python, Boolean datatype returns the truth value of an expression using the python keywords, True or False.

Boolean is typically used to evaluate an expression. The expression can be logical, arithmetic, etc which you will learn in the succeeding tutorial.

Example: Boolean Datatypes in Python

a = 100
b = 200

print(a > b)
print(a < b)
print(a == b)
print(a != b)

if a < b:
    print(a,'is less than', b)
    print(a,' is greater than',b)


100 is less than 200

Binary Sequence Datatypes in Python

Binary sequence Datatypes are categorized into three types in the python programming language. They are


Bytes are primarily built-in data types used to manage binary data. bytes entities are unchangeable series of single bytes.


bytearray is another primary built-in datatype used to control binary data. Unlike bytes, bytearray is mutable in nature.


memoryview is used in python code to acquire the internal data of a specific object. It also supports bytes and bytearray with the help of buffer protocol.

a=b"Python"  #bytes datatype
x= bytes(10)  #bytes datatype 
y=bytearray(5)  #bytearray 
z=memoryview(bytes(10)) #memoryview 

print('a = ',a)
print('x = ',x)
print('y = ',y)
print('z = ',z)


a =  b'Python'
x =  b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
y =  bytearray(b'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00')
z =  memory at 0x034D8268

Comparison of Datatypes

The table below shows the common factors and comparison of datatypes over the factors.

Comparison of Datatypes

From the table, we can infer the following points.

  • Sequence datatypes like string, list, tuple, and range are ordered datatypes that supports both indexing and slicing.
  • Among the sequence data types, the only list is mutable.
  • String, List, and Tuple allow duplicate values.
  • Set is mutable while fozenset is immutable.
  • Bytes and bytearrays support order, indexing, and slicing. The only difference is bytes are immutable whereas bytearray is mutable.

type () function in Python

We have already learned that python is a highly type-based programming language. Each data has its own type. In order to retrieve the type of data, we use a built-in function,type( ) function. type(object) function returns the specific object type on passing a single argument to the function

Syntax of the type function :type(object)

i = type(10)
print(i)   #returns  <class ‘int’>

f = type(10.55)
print(f)    #returns  <class ‘float’>

STR = type(‘Welcome’)
print(STR)  #returns  <class ‘str’>

List_ex =type [1,2,3,4,5,6]
print(List_ex)  #returns  <class ‘list’>

Set_ex =type({5,3,1,2})
Print(Set_ex)  #returns <class ‘set’>

D = {
“Flower” : ”Rose“
Print(type(D))  #returns <class ‘dict’>



<class ‘int’>
<class ‘float’>
<class ‘str’>
<class ‘list’>
<class ‘set’>
<class ‘dict’>