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Python copy()

The copy() function in python helps to make a copy of the dictionary. We can say that it returns a shallow copy which means any changes in the new dictionary won't reflect the original one.


copy() Parameters:

The copy() method doesn't take any parameters.

copy() Return Value

Sometimes we use the =operator to copy the dictionary the difference is that the =operator creates the reference to the dictionary and copy() creates a new dictionary.

Input Return Value
dictionary dictionary copy

Examples of copy() method in Python

Example 1: How copy() works for dictionaries?

originaldict = {5:'five', 6:'six'}
newdict = originaldict.copy()

print('Orignal: ', originaldict)
print('New: ', newdict)


Orignal:  {5: 'five', 6: 'six'}
New:  {5: 'five', 6: 'six'}

Example 2:Python using = Operator to Copy Dictionaries

originaldict = {5:'five', 6:'six'}
newdict = originaldict

# removing all elements from the list

print('New: ', newdict)
print('Original: ', originaldict)


New:  {}
Original:  {}

Example 3:Python using copy() to copy Dictionaries

originaldict = {5:'five', 6:'six'}
newdict = originaldict.copy()

# removing all elements from the list

print('New: ', newdict)
print('Original: ', originaldict)


New:  {}
Original:  {5: 'five', 6: 'six'}