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Python oct()

The built-in function oct() is used to get an octal value of a given integer number. This method takes a single argument and returns a converted octal string prefixed with “0o”.

oct(x) #where x must be an integer number and can be binary,decimal or hexadecimal format

oct() Parameters:

Takes a single parameter. This function throws a TypeError if the argument type is other than an integer.

Parameter Description Required / Optional
integer number  maybe in binary, decimal, or hexadecimal Required

oct() Return Value

If we pass an object as an argument, in such case, the object must have __index__() function implementation to return an integer.

Input Return Value
 integer number octal string

Examples of oct() method in Python

Example 1: How oct() works in Python?

# decimal to octal
print('oct(10) is:', oct(10))

# binary to octal
print('oct(0b101) is:', oct(0b101))

# hexadecimal to octal
print('oct(0XA) is:', oct(0XA))


oct(10) is: 0o12
oct(0b101) is: 0o5
oct(0XA) is: 0o12

Example 2: The oct() for custom objects

class Person:
    age = 23

    def __index__(self):
        return self.age

    def __int__(self):
        return self.age
print('The oct is:', oct(person))


The oct is: 0o27

Here, the class Person implements __index__() and __int__(). That's because we can use oct() on the objects of Person.

Example 3:The oct() function throws an error

# Python oct() function example  
# Calling function  
val = oct(10.25)  
# Displaying result  
print("Octal value of 10.25:",val)  


TypeError: 'float' object cannot be interpreted as an integer