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Python input()

The input() function helps to take the user's input and return the output in a string format. The user can give the input either as a string or as a number format.

input([prompt]) #Where prompt is a string value

input() Parameters:

Takes a single parameter. Whatever the user typed it takes as an input parameter.

Parameter Description Required / Optional
prompt  a string that is written to standard output (usually screen) without trailing newline Optional

input() Return Value

input() function actually evaluates the input string and tries to run it as Python code and the output is returned as a string.

Input Return Value
string a string by removing the trailing newline
If EOF it raises an EOFError exception.

Examples of input() method in Python

Example 1: How input() works in Python?

# get input from user

inputString = input()

print('The inputted string is:', inputString)


Python is interesting.
The inputted string is: Python is interesting

Example 2: Get input from user with a prompt

# get input from user

inputString = input('Enter a string:')

print('The inputted string is:', inputString)


Enter a string: Python is interesting.
The inputted string is: Python is interesting

Example 3: input employee details

# take three values from user
name = input("Enter Employee Name: ")
salary = input("Enter salary: ")
company = input("Enter Company name: ")

# Display all values on screen
print("Printing Employee Details")
print("Name", "Salary", "Company")
print(name, salary, company)


Enter Employee Name: Jessa
Enter salary: 8000
Enter Company name: Google

Printing Employee Details
Name Salary Company
Jessa 8000 Google

Example 4: Program to calculate addition of two input integer numbers

# convert inout into int
first_number = int(input("Enter first number ")) sec second number "))

print("First Number:", first_number)
print("Second Number:", second_number)
sum1 = first_number + second_number
print("Addition of two number is: ", sum1)


Enter first number 28
Enter second number 12

First Number: 28
Second Number: 12
Addition of two number is:  40