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Python isinstance()

The isinstance() function returns true if the first argument of the function is an instance or subclass of the second argument. Actually, we can say that this function is used to check the given object is an instance or subclass of the given class.

isinstance(object, classinfo)  # Where object specify name of the object

isinstance() Parameters:

Takes 2 parameters where a first parameter is an object of string, int, float, long, or custom type.

Parameter Description Required / Optional
object An object to be checked. Required
classinfo The class name or a tuple of class names. Required

isinstance() Return Value

It returns a boolean value either true or false.

Input Return Value
 an object is an instance  true
 an object is not an instance false
classinfo is not a type or tuple of types TypeError exception

Examples of isinstance() method in Python

Example 1: How isinstance() works?

class Foo:
  a = 5
fooInstance = Foo()

print(isinstance(fooInstance, Foo))
print(isinstance(fooInstance, (list, tuple)))
print(isinstance(fooInstance, (list, tuple, Foo)))



Example 2: Working of isinstance() with Native Types

numbers = [1, 2, 3]

result = isinstance(numbers, list)
print(numbers,'instance of list?', result)

result = isinstance(numbers, dict)
print(numbers,'instance of dict?', result)

result = isinstance(numbers, (dict, list))
print(numbers,'instance of dict or list?', result)

number = 5

result = isinstance(number, list)
print(number,'instance of list?', result)

result = isinstance(number, int)
print(number,'instance of int?', result)


[1, 2, 3] instance of list? True
[1, 2, 3] instance of dict? False
[1, 2, 3] instance of dict or list? True
5 instance of list? False
5 instance of int? True

Example 3: working of isinstance() another example?

# Python isinstance() function example  
class Student:  
    id = 101  
    name = "John"  
    def __init__(self, id, name):  
student = Student(1010,"John")  
lst = [12,34,5,6,767]  
# Calling function   
print(isinstance(student, Student)) # isinstance of Student class  
print(isinstance(lst, Student))  

